We are pleased to inform you that registration is now open for your children to participate in the Junior Camp at the International Miracle Makers Church, taking place from June 14-19, 2025. Please click the button below to register.

Consuming Fire Junior Camp, MN Registration

IMMC Minnesota 2024

Now is the time to Register

It is good news to inform you that you can register your children to participate in the Junior Camp of our church, IMMC Minnesota that will be held on the 1-4 August, 2024. Please click the button below to register.

လာမည့် ဩဂုတ်လ ၁ရက်မှ ၄ရက်နေ့အထိ၊ IMMC Minnesota မှ ကြီးမှူးလျက် လူငယ်စခန်းသွင်း သမ္မာကျမ်းစာ သင်တန်း “Consuming Fire” အထူးအစီအစဥ် ကျင်းပရန်ရှိကြောင်း သတင်းကောင်းပါးအပ်ပါသည်။ အောက်ပါလင့်ကို နှိပ်ခြင်းဖြင့် မှတ်ပုံတင်ထားနိုင်ပါသည်။

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

သူ​ငယ်​သွား​ရာ​လမ်း​ဝ၌ ဆုံး​မ​သွန်​သင်​လော့။ သို့​ပြု​လျှင် သူ​သည် အို​သော​အ​ခါ ထို​လမ်း​မှ​မ​လွှဲ၊ လိုက်​သွား​လိမ့်​မည်။

Pronouncement of Revive America 2024 by PS. David Lah and Ap Zaw Lin Aung

Kindly enroll now as we need to make arrangements for meals every Saturday during the conferences.

ညီလာခံကာလအတွင်း စနေနေ့တိုင်းတွင် အစားအသောက်များ ပြင်ဆင်ထားရှိရန် စီစဥ်ရမည် ဖြစ်ပါသဖြင့် မေတ္တာရှေ့ထား စားရင်းသွင်း စေလိုပါသည်။

Latest news from our Church

Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Psalms 121:4 NIV

အ​ကယ်​စင်​စစ် ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​အ​မျိုး​ကို​စောင့်​သော​သူ​သည် ငိုက်​မျဉ်းအိပ်​ပျော်​ခြင်း ရှိ​တော်​မ​မူ။  ဆာလံ ၁၂၁း၄

The 2024 Consuming Fire Junior camp registration has reopened for 75 participants, as spaces are limited. Kindly register promptly to secure your spot before reaching the maximum capacity.နေရာအကန့်အသတ် ရှိသည့်အတိုင်း 2024 Consuming Fire Junior Camp  မှ ၇၅ ဦးအတွက် ပြန်လည်ဖွင့်လှစ်လိုက်ပါပြီ။ သတ်မှတ်ဦးရေ မရောက်ရှိမီ စာရင်းသွင်းမှု စိတ်ချထားရရန် အမြန်စာရင်းသွင်းလိုက်ပါ။ Click Here To Register [မှတ်ပုံတင်ရန် ဤနေရာတွင် နှိပ်ပါ]
Volunteer Registration – Revive America 2024 April In April 2024, Dream Ministry International and International Miracle Makers Church is hosting 4 revival conferences across the United States in the cities of Kansas City, KS, St. Paul, MN, Indianapolis, IN, and Baltimore, MD. Join us for inspiring […]
နေရာထိုင်ခင်း သတ်မှတ်ချက်အရ မှတ်ပုံတင်ထားသည့် လူဦးရေမှာ ကျော်လွန်နေပြီ ဖြစ်ပါ၍ ထပ်မံတိုးချဲ့နိုင်ရန် စီစဥ်နေသည့်အတွက်အသစ်မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်းကို ခေတ္တရပ်ဆိုင်းထားပါသည်။Due to the surpassing of the required accommodation capacity by the registered population, new registrations are temporarily on hold while plans for further expansion are underway.

Welcome to International Miracle Makers Church!

At Miracle Makers Church, our mission is simple yet powerful: we are inspired to love God, make disciples, and transform the nations. Our vibrant community is driven by faith, passion, and a deep commitment to our calling.

With a thriving training center and a compassionate orphanage ministry, we are not just a church; we are a family of believers who believe in action. In a remarkably short time, our church has grown, and our impact is spreading far and wide.

We are united by our unwavering belief in the supernatural, healing, speaking in tongues, and the promise of spiritual and physical prosperity. Our dedication to sharing the gospel knows no bounds, as we reach out to every nation with the message of hope, love, and transformation.

Join us on this incredible journey as we make miracles happen, one life at a time. Whether you’re a newcomer or a long-time member, you are an integral part of our Miracle Makers family.

Welcome to Miracle Makers Church, where faith, love, and transformation converge. Together, we will fulfill our mission and change the world.

Brief Ministry Tale

On September 21, 2006, a divine calling led us to start our mission in Taunggyi City. I served as a missionary in Kayah State. In 2003, shortly after our wedding, we began missionary work in Kayah State. Three years later, we were called to Taunggyi.

In March 2007, following divine guidance, we initiated our ministry in Ayetharya Township. Our organization, initially Open Door Christ Church, grew to include a training center, orphanage, and church. Starting with 7 orphans, we’ve cared for over 100. Our church now has 1,000+ devoted members.

In 2017, a divine revelation led us to become Miracle Makers Church.


Inspired to Love God, Making Disciples and Transform the Nations


Preaching Gospel, Making Disciples and Procreating Leaders


Starting Right, Standing Strong and Finishing Well. 

How We Serve

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.


Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commande. Amen!


Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted bythe world. Amen!


Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Amen & Amen!

As you have believed,
so let it be done for you.

You Can DO

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

You Can Believe

“Everything is possible for one who believes.”

You Can enjoy

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

You can Be

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”


Join us! It will only take a minute …